devin troy strother

just a bunch of random shit

work by year:

©2025 devin troy strother. all rights reserved.

2015 → space jam, marlborough chelsea, new york

installation view

installation view

installation view

installation view

devin troy strother x rob pruitt x cory arcangel x walead beshty x a sad face x 3 michael jordans, 2014, ink jet, air brush, acrylic, oil varnish, painted paper on birch panel, 96 × 72 × 2 in., 243.8 × 182.9 × 5.1 cm

"when the lights go out in the africa" (light a match and smile nigga, there's paint everywhere), 2014, automotive paint and acrylic on birch panel, 108 × 60 × 2 in., 274.3 × 152.4 × 5.1 cm

i got a kelley walker all over my mj's (air walker part.2) "the problem continues", 2014, ink jet, air brush, acrylic, oil varnish, painted paper on birch panel, 72 × 60 × 2 in., 182.9 × 152.4 × 5.1 cm

"just a bunch of niggas in space" reedited (tell that nigga michael, he better clean up his mess, nigga got paint everywhere), 2014, automotive paint and acrylic on birch panel, 70 × 60 × 2 in., 177.8 × 152.4 × 5.1 cm

i got 7 michael jordan's and a jackson pollock all over my brand new holograms, 2014, hologram mylar, mounted on acrylic sheet, poly-glue, water based vinyl paint, 72 × 96 × 2 in., 182.9 × 243.8 × 5.1 cm

we won nigga we won" (nigga ,we actually lost, again), 2014, polyethylene vinyl flags on vinyl tarp stretched, 120 × 66 × 2 in., 304.8 × 167.6 × 5.1 cm

"we won nigga, we won" (nigga, we never even scored), 2014, polyethylene vinyl flags on vinyl tarp, stretched, 120 × 66 × 2 in., 304.8 × 167.6 × 5.1 cm

i got a barnett newman all over my holograms (view 1), 2014, hologram mylar, mounted on acrylic sheet, poly glue, water based vinyl paint, 48 x 72 in. 121.92 x 182.88 cm

"just put a lil paint on the top of it" (jasper johns and bunch of niggas in space), 2014, automotive paint and acrylic on birch panel, 108 × 60 × 2 in., 274.3 × 152.4 × 5.1 cm

"we won nigga we won" (nigga, come on, look around, ain't nobody smiling), 2014, polyethylene vinyl flags on vinyl tarp, stretched, 120 × 66 × 2 in., 304.8 × 167.6 × 5.1 cm

installation view