devin troy strother
just a bunch of random shit
work by year:
2024,[solo show]
scenes for josephine
, the pit, los angeles
2023,[solo show]
the black man inside
, broadway gallery, new york
2023, [solo show]
if these hands could talk
v1 gallery
2023, [group show]
stable table
, pictures girls make: portraitures, blum, los angeles
2023, [group show]
a night at frank’s
, drunk vs. stoned, the ranch, montauk
2022, [solo show]
painting type shit
ruttkowski 68, cologne
2022, [group show]
scars and stripes
broadway gallery, felix art fair, los angeles
2022, [solo show]
new works on paper
, broadway gallery, new york
2022, [solo show]
durag activities
, over the influence, bangkok
2021, [solo show]
undercover brother
the pit, los angeles
2021, [solo show]
smoking & painting
broadway gallery, new york
2021, [group show]
josephine and alan in baldwin village (the jungle) 1985
2020, [solo show]
i’m just a painter, all i have is paint and a lil bit of hope
v1 gallery
2018, [solo show]
wade in the water
, v1 gallery, copenhagen
2018, [video]
the worst witch
shoot the lobster, los angeles
2018, [sculpture/lamp]
colour in the night
, 2018, porcelain black-glazed lamp, 11 × 6 1/2 in
2015, [solo show]
space jam
, marlborough chelsea, new york, NY
2013, [solo show]
it's your world boo
, (two person show with Gina Beavers), cooper cole, toronto, ca
2011, [solo show]
the me and you, your mother and maybe even your cousin too & the hey sister, soul sister go sister, woah sister
mona rowe gallery, new york
©2025 devin troy strother. all rights reserved.
2018 →
the worst witch,
shoot the lobster, los angeles
installation view