devin troy strother

just a bunch of random shit

work by year:

©2025 devin troy strother. all rights reserved.

2020 → i’m just a painter, all i have is paint and a lil bit of hope, v1 gallery, copenhagen

installation view

josephine and alan dancing in the dark, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 175 x 242 cm

the orbiting of a black funkadelic, 2020, oil stick and acrylic on linen, 119.5 x 196 cm

blue face (smoking dogs x2), 2020, oil stick, acrylic and painted watercolor paper on linen, 183 x 152.5 cm

all in together now, 2020, oil stick and acrylic on linen, 61 x 46 cm

3 articles of interest, 2020, oil stick, painted water color paper, acrylic, printed paper on paper in white painted beech frame with ultravue glass, 116.5 x 231 cm

anita in the dark, 2019, acrylic, cut and painted watercolor paper on canvas, 175 x 147 cm

black disco love, 2020, acrylic, glitter, and airbrush on panel, 101.5 x 101.5 cm

an afro in the wind, 2020, oil stick, acrylic and painted watercolor paper on linen, 61 x 46 cm

james baldwin in the dark, 2019, acrylic, cut and painted watercolor paper on canvas, 175 x 147 cm

the ins and outs of color, love and friendship, 2020, oil stick, acrylic and painted watercolor paper on linen, 175 x 106.5 cm

installation view (before performance)